Maritime traffic and nautical risk studies for the expansion of the Buenaventura Channel (Colombia) and Bahía de Batangas (Philippines) to help make decisions on the design of new infrastructures (additional berths, dredging large navigation channels) and traffic planning (windows of access, capacity of anchorages, navigation rules, DST). Application of a predictive model based on AIS…


Studies for putting LNG Bunker systems in place (Ferrol, Barcelona, Huelva and various European ports) to supply vessels in port, including recommendations for operation and safety procedures. SiBunker Project (Conceptual simulator for LNG bunkering operations, with indicators of availability for making decisions about the most suitable configuration and potential improvements to it) with AEI Gasnam,…


Manoeuvring simulation studies in various rivers in Germany: approach to the Heidelberg Lock; feasibility depending on the vessels’ size/power in relation to the current and water level; analysis of the influence of a cross-current on inland navigation vessels; behaviour of conventional boats and convoys of barges being pushed.