The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport has invited Siport21 to present their maritime traffic simulation software, Siflow21, at the 12th International Maritime and Logistics Conference “Marlog 12”, held in Alexandria (Egypt) from 12 th to 14 th of march. The main topic of the Conference is “Innovative Technologies for Ports and Logistics Towards a Sustainable Resilient Future”.
Siflow21 is a predictive simulation model of port capacity, developed by Siport21, which allows a cost-benefit evaluation of the port investments (infrastructures, new traffic, tug fleet, or dredging areas) to select the best alternative.
This model has been used in several projects around the world: Bahia Blanca (Argentina) for the channel enlargement and deepening in a tidal estuary with programmed accesses, LNGC interferences, and channel reservation. Buenaventura (Colombia), for the cost-benefit assessment of a large dredging project, River Plate (Argentina) with a long navigation linked to strong draft limitations, new traffic, and traffic volumes increase. A crowded bay in the Philippines, new SPM Terminals for crude export.
Siflow21 builds up a virtual representation of the vessels traffic in a port or complex waterway with concurrent traffic. Based on the results of the analysis, the port community can plan future investments in infrastructure (deepening or enlargement of navigation channels, additional port access, etc.) or make decisions on the management or operational optimization (traffic increase, tidal window access, crossing rules, traffic priority, etc.).
The following solutions provided by Siflow21 are pointed out: definition of the maximum capacity of a port; bottleneck identification (tide, meteorological conditions, Pilots, tugs, etc.); optimization of ship access scheduling; congestion prediction due to traffic increase; changes in infrastructure or new terminals; identify interferences between operations; and evaluate the cost-benefit balance of the investments.